Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tarot: The Cards – a Dragon’s literary/artistic perspective

A human I recently met (to my great pleasure!), Corrine Kenner, who is a magical mistress of analytical divination (she reads cards), has penned a fascinating tome called “Tarot for Writers”.  T'is a stimulating tool for sparking creativity and imagination via the prompt of tarot card imagery and interpretation.

As a Dragon of artistic and literary inclination, I believe it would be fun to taste a few tarot cards—I speak in metaphorical terms, not culinary!—and savor the flavor of the deck. 

For instance…The Fool. What, exactly, is a Fool? In present day, it’s a derogatory appellation—he/she/it (no discriminate by sex or species) is viewed as an idiot, a ridiculous persona, one who acts silly or without true mental skill (in truth, I must claim this characteristic is more common among humans than Dragons).  Or—he/she/it is ‘one who fools’ others; ergo: a trickster, a hoodwink, a con. Neither designation is flattering.  

However, in the Renaissance (a time I remember well), when tarot cards originated, the ‘fool’ was the court jester, whose silliness was connived for entertainment, a mask born of cunning and wit.  S’not so dumb to earn one’s keep in a comfortable setting by playing, well, dumb. 
In tarot cards The Fool is 1) “…the happy wanderer who sees the world through the eyes of a child…he represents each of us—naïve travelers through life, off on a grand adventure, out to learn whatever experience the tarot can teach us;” one who “takes a leap of faith” (taken from “Tarot for Writers”).  In the lovely deck my Scribe owns (you didn’t think I could write and type with these claws, did you?), which is, of course, The Dragon Tarot, the Fool is “carelessness, frivolity, immaturity, and spontaneity”; “wild optimism without thought for consequences”. 

S’not really derogatory!  S’not too great to be careless or immature or giving no thought to consequences; however, none of those conditions is to be despised, and they are applicable to so many humans (not Dragons, of course).  Would be a wonder, I think, for more folk to see the world through the eyes of a child; refresh one’s viewpoint, see life as an adventure instead of a great trudge to be tackled one dragging step at a time.  Leaps and bounds, moments of flight (for those of us who have wings) during which the mere escape from gravitation, infinitesimal though it be, sets the heart pounding, the blood flowing, clearing the eyes and mind for maximum input. 

S’no great ‘foolery’, I think, to play the Fool in such a circumstance.

The Fool, visually…Dragon eyes are discerning.  Symbolism is subjective.  The Fool card in The Dragon Tarot depicts an energetic jester dressed in typical jester garb (bright red and green and yellow) on the edge of a cliff, a bag over his shoulder, a small Dragon at this feet.  The Dragon Tarot interpretation: “the bag is full of the natural talents the jester/fool could use to aid his journey, but doesn’t; the small Dragon symbolizes his cautious conscience, warning him to not get carried away and fall of the edge; the image warns one to temper enthusiasm with common sense…”

And what does this Dragon see? Colors!  As an artiste I love color, the simmering, shimmering emotions of tones and hues.  

Red: the color of fire and blood, energy, strength, power, determination—s’any wonder a Dragon loves red?  The Fool is obviously energetic, balancing life with-ah yes!-enthusiasm.  He’s determined to tease danger—foolish?  Perhaps…but these characteristics also express innovation, perseverance, courage.  

Yellow:  the color of sunshine!  S’a happy day to fly high in the warmth of the sun!  The color is associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.  A color that arouses cheerfulness and mental activity.  Ho—anyone who balances on the edge of cliffs should be alert, happy enough with life that they make a point of…not… falling…over!  Yellow sometimes depicts cowardice, but what coward (a wingless one at that!) would walk cliff edges or begin a journey toward the unknown with such tipping/tilting/titillating joy?

Green:  The color of nature, growth, harmony, freshness, fertility!  It suggests stability and endurance (in our world, the ability of plants to survive is phenomenal!).  A balanced man has, indeed, a measure of stability.  At least in his physical aspect.  Green…growth in spirit and knowledge, which a journey may well bring; freshness, surrounded by clear, clean mountain air, and unhindered by the wisdoms of age; harmony, being in agreement/balance with one’s own body/mind/heart…as The Fool’s red, yellow and green are balanced in his garb.

The small Dragon—ah, well, a Dragon likes to think the little guy is serving as a companion on the journey, a tiny watch-Dragon to warn of pitfalls and help the intrepid Fool stay warm in the mountain heights…and perhaps light his campfire at night.  Add a little flame to the mix.  Dragons are, after all, most giving souls.

There you have it—a Dragon’s take on The Fool card.  S’not enough darkness, you say?  What can I tell you?  The only thing I know of darkness are deep caves, starless nights, and my own gullet, which grumbles when empty.  S’darkness enough for me!  

The Dragon has spoken…

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